They weren't kidding when they told me Mason would grow up so fast! And now He is going to be a big brother! Baby Coy #2 is due January 17th! We find out in a few weeks whet we're having. We are so excited!
He loves to wear my shoes all around the house, it is so funny! Hopefully it's just a phase! ;)

We took Mason to the zoo again this year. Maybe we'll make it a tradition. It was a lot of fun and Mason had cotton candy for the first time, He's hooked!

The zoo has Dinosaurs all over, i thought Mason was going to love it, which he did until one of the raptors sprayed water out of its mouth at him. I wish i had a picture or video of it, Mason thought it was some kind of poison or something, he started screaming at the top of his lungs and tried wiping the water off frantically. Everyone around us were laughing. The rest of the time we were there whenever Mason saw another dinosaur he would try to make us turn around and go the other way, or just scream like when he saw Santa for the first time! Haha poor boy!

Mason had been asking for a bubble cake for weeks before his birthday! Every day "Bubble cake please Mommy?"

This is my new look, I'm Blonde! It took me a few days to get used to it but i love it!

It was so much fun to have most of Mason's cousins over to play on his special day!
Mason had so much fun blowing out his candles, he kept asking to do it again and again!